08/03/2018 / By Frances Bloomfield
Disturbing videos and photos of incredibly muscular pigs being bred by a Cambodian pig farm have sparked outrage online. The most infamous of these is a video that shows regular-sized pigs sharing a pen with differently colored pigs covered with grotesque musculature. Some of the hulking pigs can be seen struggling to move under the weight of their muscles. The other videos and photos reveal more shocking details. Several photos display pigs with over-sized back muscles, freakishly large buttocks, and heaving testicles.
According to the DailyMail.co.uk, the videos and photos were taken from the Facebook page (written in Khmer) of Duroc Cambodia, a pig farm located in the Beanteay Meanchey province of Cambodia. In addition to breeding pigs for pork, the company seems to offer a score of other pig-related products and services. For example, the person running the company’s Facebook page has put up posts promoting kits to persons interested in starting their own pig farms. Included in the kits are prosthetic penises and boar semen for artificial insemination.
More than just breeding monstrous-looking pigs, Duroc Cambodia appears to be engaging in other forms of animal abuse. In one photo, several pigs are locked up in tiny cages while farmers prepare to haul them onto the back of a truck.
The photos and videos have since been lambasted by social media users. One such example is user Ric Tucker who posted this on the company’s page: “What are you trying to show here? How much meat you can produce, or how badly these animals are treated? Whoever is looking after these should be locked up for ever.”
Katherine Loweparker concurred with: “Not only is it animal cruelty, but people are eating this garbage and feeding it to their children. What a mess.”
Animal rights organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has harshly criticized the company as well, stating: “Hulk-like pigs are the stuff of nightmares, not meals, and those who are genetically engineered are also likely to be born with painful health issues.” The organization further noted the possibility that the pigs were being purposefully bred to grow to a massive size for profit. The same is done with chicken, in America — chickens have been bred to have breasts so huge they can’t stand up because that is what the market wants.
The fact that Duroc Cambodia is encouraging people to start their own farms using the company’s products makes it loud and clear that genetic modification is indeed going on. After all, what makes Duroc Cambodia’s pigs so special except that their boars are deliberately pumped for genetic material that’s been carefully placed in convenient plastic containers? There’s definitely something going on in the pigs, and it’s something caused by human hands. (Related: HORROR FARMS: Genetically altered pigs to be grown and harvested for human organ transplants.)
The world has already witnessed a similar incident in 2015 when Chinese and South Korean scientists genetically modified 32 double-muscled piglets. Nearly all of the piglets died before their first birthdays, and all because of health complications that arose from compromised body systems. Who’s to say that the same isn’t happening in Cambodia? Though you could argue that this is even worse because these poor animals are living their brief lives in agony just before they’re slaughtered for human consumption.
To remain abreast of the goings-on in Duroc Cambodia, or of all things relating to genetic modification, visit GMO.news today.
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Tagged Under: animal cruelty, animals, food safety, genetic engineering, genetically modified pigs, GMOs, pig, pigs