toxic chemicals
By Vicki Batts covers all of Big Biotech’s evil acts and atrocities, past and present
Monsanto has been at the forefront of GMOs, toxic pesticides and herbicides, and the development of other noxious chemicals and products, for decades. As the Bayer-Monsanto merger looms closer, it’s been revealed that the Monsanto name will likely be wiped from existence — but their dirty past will not be cleaned away so easily. A […]
By Vicki Batts
Monsanto secretly ran “Let Nothing Go” campaign that paid internet trolls to post pro-Monsanto comments all across the internet
When it comes to the list of Monsanto’s dirty deeds, there is no end in sight. News on the biotech industry’s most scandalous company and their unscrupulous efforts at keeping the truth about their toxic products from reaching the masses just keeps cropping up. With so many investigations and lawsuits going on, its no wonder […]
By Isabelle Z.
Years before merging with Monsanto, BAYER apologized for role in Nazi death experiments which used chemical weapons similar to pesticides
It’s easy to make jokes about Monsanto being aligned with the devil given how much destruction its products and business practices have caused our environment and mankind. However, as the firm’s merger with Bayer moves closer to reality, it finds itself pairing up with a company who, by its own admission, had a direct hand […]
By Isabelle Z.
Is Monsanto going down like Big Tobacco? FAKE SCIENCE about to be exposed on a global scale
Monsanto is showing some clear signs that they’re getting nervous as their dishonest practices come significantly closer to being brought to light on a grand scale. Last week, the peer-reviewed manuscripts of the pilot phase of a study known as the Global Glyphosate Study were revealed at a European Parliament press conference, and it’s all […]
By Isabelle Z.
GMO corn driving up use of dangerous pesticides
A very dramatic rise in the use of pesticides on Vermont dairy farms was uncovered following a recent public records request. According to the pesticide use data from the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets, the use of glyphosate more than doubled in the years from 2014 to 2016, while corn-related pesticide use climbed […]
By Isabelle Z.
Glyphosate from Monsanto’s Roundup decimates microbes in soils and the human gut – new science
Gut bacteria is gaining increasing attention for the role it plays in our overall health. Given its influence on everything from immune function to digestion to brain function, research has been consistently showing the power of healthy gut bacteria – and the dangers of getting it wrong. Unfortunately, one very common chemical that has made […]
By News Editors
Monsanto secret documents show massive attack on Seralini study
In secret internal Monsanto documents released on Tuesday 1st August 2017 by legal firms in the U.S. it was made clear how Monsanto successfully pressured Wallace Hayes, Editor of Food and Chemical Toxicology Journal to retract the famous Séralini study which discovered the damage caused by GM maize NK603 and low doses of Roundup herbicide. Article by the Admin […]
By Ethan Huff exposed as a Monsanto propaganda rag after caught publishing Henry Miller “editorial” that was actually ghostwritten by Monsanto
Newly uncovered documents that the Baum, Hedlund, Aristei, and Goldman law firm has dubbed the “Monsanto Papers” reveal yet again the dirty lengths to which the world’s most evil corporation is willing to go to protect the reputation of its beloved Roundup herbicide. As recently reported by CBS News in San Francisco, it has now […]
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