By Tracey Watson
Gene-editing tool, CRISPR, is a new, scary technology that can change everything we know, from our food to our bodies
In virtually every avenue of science, things are changing and growing at an alarming rate – a rate that very few of us can keep up with. From human/animal hybrids to gene editing, scientists now hold the very foundations of life in their hands. If researchers are left unchecked by the world’s regulatory bodies and […]
By Mike Adams
Science is BROKEN, and the peer-review process produces “utter bulls##t” parading around as real science
Much of what gets published in so-called “science journals” or “medical journals” is actually complete “bulls##t,” warn many observers. Brendan D. Murphy has authored a spectacular piece published by Waking Times, offering astonishing details in support of that notion. His full article is reprinted here. Find the original at this link. See more work by […]
By Vicki Batts
Coming soon: GMO wine — experts have discovered the gene in yeast DNA that alters flavor
If the biotech industry has taught the world anything, it’s that they just can’t leave well enough alone. The number of foods being targeted for genetic modification continues to grow and now, the industry has set its sights on a popular adult beverage: Wine. Researchers from the VIB Institute in Flanders, Belgium have isolated the […]
By Ethan Huff
It’s all bogus: There’s no such thing as a “black” person or a “white” person… all racist arguments implode under weight of surprising genetic science
A landmark study recently published in the journal Science has finally put to rest the phony concept of “race,” proving that all people, regardless of their skin color, are essentially the same. The only thing that really differentiates one person from another is genetic expression, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania found, and this expression […]
By Tracey Watson
BOMBSHELL: Proof GMOs cannot be contained — GM mosquitoes have successfully mated with wild mosquitoes, spreading GM traits
The scientific modification of plants and animals – and even humans – is often justified as being for the greater good. The long-term effects of such tinkering are often overlooked, however, and quite possibly pose serious and unexpected risks for humankind in the future. The most recent proof that the future effects of genetic modification […]
By Ethan Huff
REUTERS now in bed with Monsanto, committing journalistic fraud to cover up evidence of harm from toxic agricultural poisons
House Republicans are going to bat for Monsanto, the world’s most evil corporation, which is having a very difficult time maintaining any semblance of a positive reputation in the public eye after it was revealed that its most famous weed killer causes cancer in humans. In an effort to steer the narrative back in its […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Living beings can be turned into programmable computers through “RNA circuits”
Advancements in nanotechnology and synthetic biology could usher in new diagnostic technologies that may kill cancer cells or switch off aberrant genes. These are but a few implied uses of the recent experiments being made by researchers at Arizona State University who have demonstrated how RNA can be induced to carry out computations in a […]
By Ethan Huff
Another Monsanto BOMBSHELL: Company caught ghostwriting its own “independent safety reviews”
If you think the Hillary Clinton email scandal represents the epitome of corruption, check out the latest dirt on the world’s most evil corporation. As part of numerous pending lawsuits against the company for harm caused by its popular herbicide Roundup, it was recently revealed that Monsanto has been working overtime behind the scenes to […]
By Jayson Veley
Huge backlash against gene editing of human embryos as scientists decry ethical quagmire of “designer babies”
For several years now, there has been a vigorous and ongoing debate in this country regarding the ethics of gene editing on human embryos. While many people argue that the practice will lead to incredible advancements in technology and could even one day save lives, others decry gene editing as an immoral procedure that humans should […]
By Jayson Veley
DARPA unveils gene editing infrastructure to build genetically engineered “super soldiers”
In the Marvel comic books, Steve Rogers is a character that transforms from a rather weak and skinny man into a supersoldier with the help of gene editing technology. For decades since fans were officially introduced to Captain America in 1941, this fictional character has fascinated people throughout the country and across the world. Now, […]
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