Big Biotech
By Vicki Batts covers all of Big Biotech’s evil acts and atrocities, past and present
Monsanto has been at the forefront of GMOs, toxic pesticides and herbicides, and the development of other noxious chemicals and products, for decades. As the Bayer-Monsanto merger looms closer, it’s been revealed that the Monsanto name will likely be wiped from existence — but their dirty past will not be cleaned away so easily. A […]
By Tracey Watson
Biotech industry trying to eliminate all FDA regulation of genetically edited ranch animals by shifting authority to the USDA, which has totally sold out to Monsanto
Biotech companies that can genetically engineer farm animals to have “designer” characteristics – like cows without horns (yes, cows really are supposed to have horns) – can make a whole lot of money selling these animals to farmers. Unfortunately for them, farm animals are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which subjects these […]
By Vicki Batts
Coming soon: GMO wine — experts have discovered the gene in yeast DNA that alters flavor
If the biotech industry has taught the world anything, it’s that they just can’t leave well enough alone. The number of foods being targeted for genetic modification continues to grow and now, the industry has set its sights on a popular adult beverage: Wine. Researchers from the VIB Institute in Flanders, Belgium have isolated the […]
By Vicki Batts
Frankinsects: Scientists have “edited” a yellow, wingless mosquito with three eyes as a pest control strategy
Could mosquitoes be the next insect to fall prey to modern science? Researchers from the University of California at Riverside have just unveiled a “gene-edited” mosquito; they say their creation could pave the way for controlling the mosquito population. But as we’ve seen in pollinator populations, just because scientists say their concepts or products are safe, doesn’t […]
By Vicki Batts
GMO scientists just created “doomsday crops” containing RNA fragments that intentionally cause mass infertility
As advocacy against “conventional” GMO crops continues to grow, it comes as no surprise that the biotech industry has been doing its best to develop a new way to modify crops. One of the top concerns about current modification techniques is the transgenic component — which allows crops to be engineered to produce different proteins that would […]
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